Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Community Garden 4-2-13 This just got real!

Great news!  This past weekend my cousin Nick and his wife Jennifer came to our garden site and plowed it for us.  His suggestions for next steps are as follows: 1. After a heavy rain, use a leaf rake to get all the dead grass out of the soil.  2. Set stringers to mark rows.  3. Plant this week or ASAP!  4. Keep the weeds out. 4. Water every morning or evening but not in the middle of the day.

Jennifer and Nick both work with SPED students in Community ISD and Jennifer wants to bring her students to help with the garden!  Awesome.  One of my many goals is to have at least three additional groups involved that were not from RISD.  With the involvement of the bank (check earlier blog posts), this makes two!
There are many great ideas from group members as to what comes next for the garden.  I am probably the least informed/experienced gardener in our community garden group so help me decide what comes next and how we should do it.

To do list:

1.     Obtaining the seeds/seedlings.  Obviously a critical and urgent first step.
 We need to decide what gets planted and how.  My thoughts are:
·      Green Beans
·      Onions
·      Black Eyed Peas
·      Cucumbers
·      Jalapeños
·      Assorted Peppers
·      Spinach
·      Lettuce or Cabbage or both
·      Broccoli
·      Okra

I need ideas and counseling on this step from our more experienced gardeners so don’t be shy.  If anyone is willing to help in the seed/seedling getting process let me know.  I’m a garden instigator but fairly clueless.

2.     Raking the dead grass out. (not critical; however, easy and helpful)
                                                        i.     Anybody got a rake!  Just kidding that brings us to the next need.

3.     Deciding and purchasing tools.
                                                        i.     I’m open to ideas on obtaining tools
4.     Stingers.  
                                                        i.     Nick and Jenn suggest we set up stringers to indicate the rows and leave them up to make differentiating veggies from weeds easier.

5.     A rain barrel obtained.
                                                        i.     This was mentioned by Mr. Thomas and Jennifer Helge echoed it’s benefits.  Need to check out cost and availability.
6.     Mulch bins.
                                                        i.     Good way to get the cafeteria involved.  Neil Sperry recommends a two-compartment version.  Yes, I’m reading Neil Sperry thanks to Mrs. Carrales. 

I want to say THANK YOU to every one in our garden group!  Your efforts will put food on tables and instill pride in our students.

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