Thursday, March 28, 2013

Updated Action Research Plan - An attempt to answer questions from Ms. Martinez

Action Research Plan:

Goal/Guiding Question:

What effect will involvement in an after school intervention program have on attendance, GPA, and behavior among at-risk students?
  • Will students feel more connected to the school and community?
·      Will students’ self perception change as their skills improve and relationships deepen?

Community Garden
            Main Idea: Using community efforts and expertise as an intervention for at risk students.  Through implementing a new community garden for students to raise food for the nearby food pantry I will collect data that shows the effects of such programs on student behavior, attendance, and GPA.


         Quest Academy (Alternative School for RISD, Rockwall, TX): Choice High School is an alternative school that is purposed for students who choose to attend for personal and academic reasons.  DAEP is a separate program also housed at Quest Academy. Students are placed in DAEP program for behavioral reasons.  Both programs will participate but data will be primarily gathered from Choice students.

Original Curiosity/Wondering:

            I feel that students with diverse interests and passions and a sense of belonging in the community have a higher self-esteem and generally are more successful.  On our campus, I have been amazed at how many students have no hobbies, goals, or sense of belonging and although these are many issues without one answer, I wonder if schools can affect these deficiencies through intervention programs in which teachers and community members teach special interest skills with a real world end product. 

The Produce:

In this initial attempt the actual produce from the garden will be donated to the Helping Hands food pantry located near the school.  A portion of the produce will be prepared for students in the cafeteria for an official tasting.


Action Steps        Person(s)                  Timeline:           Necessary            Evaluation

                               Responsible            Start/End           Resources

Initiate Community
Brian Rushing,
Julie Farris,
Nick Helge, David Thomas, GeriAnne Carrales
March 2013 – Summer 2013
Garden Site at Helping Hands


Fence materials and seeds
Actual Produce donated to Helping Hands
Program Survey
Brian Rushing
Steven Davis
March 2013 – May 2013
Surveys gauging student opinions of school and self
Entrance/Exit Program Survey
Measure any shift in
Brian Rushing
Steven Davis
March 2013 – May 2013
Attendance records for months preceding and coinciding intervention
Attendance records for months preceding and coinciding intervention
Measure any change in
GPA trends

Brian Rushing
Steven Davis
Laura Houghton
March 2013 – May 2013
GPA records for months preceding and coinciding intervention
GPA records for months preceding and coinciding intervention
Measure any change in
Brian Rushing
Steven Davis
Laura Houghton
March 2013 – May 2013
Referral rates/Qualitative field notes for months preceding and coinciding intervention
Referral rates/Qualitative field notes for months preceding and coinciding intervention
Gauge value of program among share holders
Brian Rushing
May 2013
Note taking
Student and Teacher Interviews
Sharing findings, program, and evidence
Brian Rushing
May 2013
Digital Pictures
Final presentation shared through teacher blog, power point, and wiki

Measure E2020 records to determine quality of work

Brian Rushing
Laura Houghton

May 2013

E 2020 Access

Observing idle time, grades earned/ quality of work compared at different times in the day.
Community supporters acquired
Brian Rushing
Daniel Nichols
Julie Farris
March 2013
Community contacts; school personnel
Goal: three groups involved that are unrelated to RISD


  1. Who could we contact about the timing of the irrigation already present on the fruit trees above the garden?

    We have the name Irene Hatcher for discounts at Home Depot, I believe, if we are going to buy tools. I will bring some tools the first day that I'm able to actually commit to doing some work over there, but do we have convenient storage space?

    1. I like your idea of utilizing space in the bathroom area on campus. We could consider building a small tool shed on site. Thoughts?
