Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Garden Blog 4/16/13

This past weekend: GeriAnne and Ed Carrales, Julie Farris,  Daniel and Tiffany Nichols, myself, Red (my four year old!),  Nick and Jennifer Helge moved and spread 12 yards of compost by hand!  Nick and Jennifer used their tractor to plow the compost once it was spread.  If you want some sun and exercise this is the way to do it!  Muchas gracias to all who helped.  The job was formidable at 9am, when Daniel and I were staring at the pile of compost and looking back at each other….but, then the help began trickling in and before you knew it we were finished for the day!

Friday will be our big planting day.  Jennifer Helge is bringing her class from Community High School in the morning.  Why Try will work before lunch.  BB&T is bringing 8 volunteers from 1-3.  Choice High School will being working in shifts during their afternoon block.  Mr. Thomas’ Biology class is scheduled for last period.

All our transplants will be delivered in the morning and I wouldn’t be surprised if all the planting gets done on Friday.  If not,  Saturday from 9am to 11am will be our second day for planting.  Hopefully between the two days we will have the garden in full swing.

Yesterday, I took my Why Try class down to the garden for the first time.  The life parallels for gardening are practically endless.  I look forward to spending more time with my classes growing vegetables and perspective!

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