Friday, March 15, 2013

Action Research Plan - The Community Garden

Goal/Guiding Question:

What effect will involvement in an after school intervention program have on attendance, GPA, and behavior among at-risk students?
  • Will students feel more connected to the school and community?
  • Will students’ self perception change as their skills improve and relationships deepen?

Community Garden
            Main Idea: Using community efforts and expertise as an intervention for at risk students.  Through implementing a new community garden for students to raise food for the nearby food pantry I will collect data that shows the effects of such programs on student behavior, attendance, and GPA.

Action Steps        Person(s)                  Timeline:           Necessary            Evaluation

                               Responsible            Start/End           Resources

Initiate  Community
Brian Rushing,
Julie Farris,
Nick Helge, David Thomas, GeriAnne Carrales
March 2013 – Summer 2013
Garden Site at Helping Hands


Fence materials and seeds
Actual Produce donated to Helping Hands
Program Survey
Brian Rushing
Steven Davis
March 2013 – May 2013
Surveys gauging student opinions of school and self
Entrance/Exit Program Survey
Measure any shift in
Brian Rushing
Steven Davis
March 2013 – May 2013
Attendance records for months preceding and coinciding intervention
Attendance records for months preceding and coinciding intervention
Measure any change in
GPA trends

Brian Rushing
Steven Davis
March 2013 – May 2013
GPA records for months preceding and coinciding intervention
GPA records for months preceding and coinciding intervention
Measure any change in
Brian Rushing
Steven Davis
March 2013 – May 2013
Referral rates/Qualitative field notes for months preceding and coinciding intervention
Referral rates/Qualitative field notes for months preceding and coinciding intervention
Gauge value of program among share holders
Brian Rushing
May 2013
Note taking
Student and Teacher Interviews
Sharing findings, program, and evidence
Brian Rushing
May 2013
Digital Pictures
Final presentation shared through teacher blog, power point, and wiki


  1. This action research project looks really exciting. There is a district in our region that is also getting involved with the creation of a community garden in order to promote school attendance. I am wondering if you are at the same school district??? I can tell from your posts that you are so incredibly passionate about what you do. I know that your students will greatly benefit from the research you are doing! Good luck to you! I look forward to following your progress!!!

    1. I am in Rockwall ISD and there are three other schools involved in community gardens on their campuses. We will be the first high school in our district to get one started.

  2. I love the idea of planting a garden! I think that the garden will end up teaching more than just a gardening skill. Looking at your plan, it is not clear to me how many students will take part in the garden. Are they students that have low GPAs, poor attendance, and behavior issues? How will you select students to participate?
    I don't see it listed but during the exit process, will students be able to sample the work?
    Good luck to you!

    1. Thank you so much for this post! It is very helpful. I will clarify these issues on the draft.

  3. What a great idea Brian! Sometimes The Home Depot is very helpful about donating materials to projects such as yours. That will also further your community involvement aspect by including local businesses.

    How about we both agree to post once a week on each others blog?

  4. I think that this is an incredible idea. I think too often so many people in education get caught up in the idea of school only being about numbers and instruction. This could really serve as an important opportunity for students to become invested into something more. What kind of community outreach is being done through this project? I am unfamiliar with the program, but it seems that many local businesses would be interested in investing in something like this. Good luck!
