Saturday, September 7, 2013

Less is More

The fall planting of the People's Garden is in full swing.  Today Joy Marlowe, her son Ross, a student named Aubrey, and I worked the earth into a garden ready state.  Joy has graciously volunteered to be our garden manager.  Her first decision has been made!  She kindly informed me that the garden is too big.  If we focus our efforts on a smaller area she believes we'll get more produce.  Sounds like a great metaphor for life to me.  So many things can be learned from a garden.  Aubrey learned today that starting a motor is easier after it's been running for a while...and math is easier when you do your homework every day.  I can't tell you what a relief it is to be working a smaller garden.

In my revived state, I typed up a form letter for Joy to "dig up" some extra supplies from local businesses.  We made a wish list to present to interested community members who may want to invest in our garden.  Go get 'em Joy!

                                             Judge a days work by how well you sleep!

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